Friday, October 9, 2009

Letter to the editor

Mr editor.
I wrote this letter to congratulate Ms Johnson on her magnificent work as a teacher. She has shown to be a dedicated educator and excellent professional by helping so many students as academically as psychologically through her unusual humanistic methods. She has been willing to turn mediocre students, who could not even read or write, into smart ones who, because of her hard effort made, can read, write and even think critically. I just consider that Ms Johnson is a great example of how a real teacher should be. She is not only pretty intelligent and has an extensive curriculum but has admirable moral values as well. Unfortunately, there are not many educators who are like Ms Johnson nowadays. Most of these bad professionals are just worried about earning money not taking into consideration their students' learning process and psychological welfare. That's why new teachers must be different and improve education by teaching, helping and assisting their pupils and not just caring about superficial things like money.

To conclude, I may say that if new educators followed Ms Johnson s' example and old ones rectified their mistakes in the past and followed her example too, there would be much less problems in education nowadays.

Juan Antonio Morena Lira


  1. I totally agree with you. It is not possible that teaches don't take their role seriously.
    I also think that, as you said, future teachers should follow Miss Johnsons' example: so do we. I mean, we cannot read these types of books and then not use them as a tool. We have to be critical and analize all the good and bad things and apply the good ones to our practice.

  2. I agree with you too..
    there are not many teachers like MJ

  3. niki you are so wise I totally agree with you...
    juan antonio your magazine section was very interesting congratulations for that.

  4. That's true toño, there are not many teachers as Johnson, and that's why education is not imprving....
    Good Job toño!

  5. I totally agree with you. If we all get to be just a little bit like miss J will we'll be doing a change in the school.all we need is that spark :)
    nice job, bye!

  6. I think Ms. J is one of a kind. She is the kind of person that comes every once in a while to be an example for the rest. Must of us aim to become teachers like Ms. J, and I think that is great. The sad part is many of us will get lost as time will pass us by, but as long as we have Ms. J example there is still hope.

  7. We have a similar work, haha.
    I totally agree with your letter.
    We need more Ms Johnson!

  8. Toño as usual, this work of you is really ornanized and good. I think you have a real good point. Ms.J. is really special and we are not going to find many teachers as her.
    great job.

  9. =) Hi Toño!
    I totally agree with you, specially in the last paragraph. I hope as the same as you in the future can follow Miss J's example.
    She seems a very strong woman
    Great WorK! ;)

  10. Thanks for the complements guys!
    I'm really glad about your feedback.

  11. I am totally agree with you !!!!! that's the attitude!!

    Mss J is a great exaple to follow and I strongly believe that you are gonna achieve your aims the future wit your students

    I liked what you read!
    It is written in a very good English.
    Thanks for your feedback about punctuation!

    excellent job!
